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 How much computer space do you have allocated for

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
scererar Posted - 14 Oct 2007 : 02:41:38
hey all, I just purchased an external hard drive to hold all of my Gaming stuff and just be a general backup for my network. My question is how much space have you used up for for Forgotten Realms, D&D, or RPG material in general? I have 5.04 GB alone for my electronic versions of gaming stuff so far. I also plan to start downloading as much as possible from WOTC. I see a potential, cost to see information, coming in the near future.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
EytanBernstein Posted - 14 Oct 2007 : 05:23:12
12.5 gigs, not counting some external CD programs and misc. material.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 14 Oct 2007 : 04:56:12
4.73 GBs, not counting the 2.33 GBs of Dragon. I have two HD's in my computer -- the primary drive is dual-partitioned, with XP Pro on each partition (because the AV I have to have to Citrix in to work isn't the one I like). That drive is 80 GB. My second hard drive is where my data is. That's a 250 GB drive. I also just bought an external HD for backup purposes. It's 300 GB.

At work, I have an 80 GB external HD. It's got 55 GB of MP3s, another copy of all those Dragons, all the pdfs I've downloaded, and assorted extra stuff.
The Sage Posted - 14 Oct 2007 : 04:54:26
Hmmmm... I'd have to provide an estimate, since I've got plenty of networked desktops and laptops that form the core of my RPG digital library. Plus, there's the multitude of external drives, zip drives, USB drives, CDs and DVDs, that complement that library. There's also the virtual-machine-like archive that I've designed through SageOS which lets me store significant amounts of compressed RPG information. I'd say... around a couple of hundred GBs at the very least -- to a few terabytes at the most. It's probably much higher than that, since I'm likely forgetting a lot of what I've got stored everywhere.

A great deal of that estimate, though, includes my extensive PLANESCAPE and FORGOTTEN REALMS material, and forum archives I've made from just about every incarnation of message boards dedicated to PS, FR, DL, and RL discussion since 2000. Plenty of DRAGONLANCE campaign material. I've also got plenty of my own musical compositions and theme music that I've written for my adventures in just about every setting I've ever campaigned in -- including the homebrew I've been designing for the last five years. There's plenty of setting music that I've written for that world!

I've also made archives of plenty of PS websites that have since been lost. Archives of important threads from FR, DL, RL and PS message boards since 2001. Archives of most of the old and new Mailing Lists -- going back to about 1996.

I've also got storage space for my own FR, DL, PS, and RL inspired art pieces that I use in my games -- including maps that refer to my own specific campaigns based in these TSR settings, and thus, really wouldn't be that useful for anyone outside my campaigns.

There's definitely more... I've just forgotten most of it!
Eremite Posted - 14 Oct 2007 : 04:34:48
13 GB. I have copies of every single book I own, except for the three most recent purchases, plus I have bought a lot of download products from RPGNow and Paizo.
Aewrik Posted - 14 Oct 2007 : 03:47:06
Heh.. pure FR stuff... 6Mb. One campaign (a long, unfinished one, starting with the Blood Gold of Silver Marches) and one unfinished novel of 72p (the plot is a concise list six pages long).
Ebooks: 6GB (books I don't want to wear down that I have scanned, and the AD&D Core books)
Let's not go in on music. I've gathered quite alot for different genres. Some of it "transscribed" from my grandparents' LP collections :)
freyar Posted - 14 Oct 2007 : 03:15:35
I have at least 2 full CDs full of stuff, not counting programs I use. Which is probably not too much compared to some pepple! Hopefully, WotC won't take stuff down, but I've made sure to download the old stuff I want, too.

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