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 Feywarden of Corellon Larethian

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Copper Elven Vampire Posted - 23 Oct 2009 : 21:16:18
The Feywarden (Specialty Cleric of Corellon Larethian)

Hit Die: d8.
Requirements: To qualify to become a Feywarden, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Race: Character must be a Elf.

Skills: Knowledge (religion) 7 ranks, Concentration 8 ranks, Craft 5 ranks, Diplomacy 8 ranks, Spellcraft 8 ranks.

Feats: Fortify spell, Spell penetration.

Spellcasting: Ability to cast 5'th level Divine spells. Must have either the Elf, Magic or War domain.

Special: Must have Corellon Larethian as a patron deity.

Class Skills: Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge (Arcana/Religion/History/Nature/The Planes), Profession, Scry, Spellcraft .

Skill points at each level- 2 + Int mod.

Class Features: Weapon & Armor Proficiency: Feywardens's gain no proficiency with small or light weapons.

Spells per day: A Feywardens's training focuses on divine magic. Thus, when a character gains a new level of MP, she gains new spells per day as if she also gained a level in whatever spellcasting class she belonged to before she added the prestige class. She does not however gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained.

Corellon's grace: At 1'st level the Feywarden can use Cat's grace as a spell like ability once per day. The bonus to Dexterity is 1d4+2 and is cast at the PC's total caster level.

Improved Enchant weapon: At 1'st level the Feywarden can add her Wisdom modifier +1, as a bonus to her weapons attack and damage rolls once per day. This ability lasts 1d4+1 rounds.

Corellon's touch: At 2'nd level all creatures of evil alignment receive a -2 penalty to saving throws they roll against spells cast by the Feywarden.

Wrath of the Creator: at 2'nd level the Feywarden can use Greater Turning three times a day.

Maximize turning: At 3'rd level the Feywarden can automatically achieve the maximum possible result on a turning damage roll, twice per day.

Wardens immunity: At 3'rd level the Feywarden gains immunity to the paralyzing touch of Ghasts and Ghouls as well as a +2 divine bonus to saving throws against other forms of paralysis as well, such as the touch of a Lich or the various Hold spells.

Divine focus: At 4'th level the Feywarden may attune her longsword into a focus for her spells. The focus sword can then replace any material component of less than 200 gp value in the casting of her spells. The Longsword must be in hand to be used in this way. The Feywarden gains +1 caster level with any spell cast through her sword focus. The Feywarden may only have one Focus sword at a time.

Corellon's Holy aura: At 4'th level the Feywarden gains the spell like ability once per day. It functions the same as the Holy aura spell with the exception of +5 to AC, +5 resistance, and SR 25 against all spells cast by evil creatures.

Banishment: At 5'th level the Feywarden gains Banishment as a spell like ability once per day.

Starbolts: at 5'th level the Feywarden gains this ability. It works the same as a Magic Missile spell, except that 5 Multi-colored Starbolts fly forth from the fingers, and upon impact the targets are affected as if by a Plane shift spell. Each different colored starbolt sends target to a separate plane. Creatures can make a Will. save to negate. This spell can be cast one time a day, and is cast at total character divine caster level.

(All spell-like abilities are cast at total character caster level)
CL -BAB -Fort- Ref- Will- Special - Spells per day
1'st - +0 - +0 - +2 - +2 - Corellon's grace, Improved enchant weapon - +1 level
2'nd - +1 - +0 - +3 - +3 - Corellon's touch, Wrath of the creator - +1 level
3'rd - +2 - +1 - +3 - +3 - Maximize turning, Wardens immunity - +1 level
4'th - +3 - +1 - +4 - +4 - Divine focus, Corellon's holy aura - +1 level
5'th - +3 - +1 - +4 - +4 - Banishment, Starbolts

Any and all comments are welcomed. Thanks! ;)

10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Copper Elven Vampire Posted - 30 Mar 2012 : 05:55:22
Originally posted by GRYPHON

Nicely done...

Damn... didn't see this post. Thanks Gry!
GRYPHON Posted - 26 Jan 2011 : 02:34:47
Nicely done...
Copper Elven Vampire Posted - 25 Jan 2011 : 23:57:17
Changed up a few more things. Hope you all enjoy. ;)
Copper Elven Vampire Posted - 19 Apr 2010 : 01:42:00
Yeah, I'm GEV, just changed up the name for a different board. Thanks, I'm glad you like the PrC. ;)
Zireael Posted - 17 Apr 2010 : 08:24:07
I think it could use a table in the first post. Good work.
BTW: Are you related to Green Elven Vampire or is it a coincidence?
Copper Elven Vampire Posted - 16 Apr 2010 : 19:08:37
I switched them all up a bit and made everything more balanced. What do you think?
Copper Elven Vampire Posted - 27 Feb 2010 : 07:43:59
I'm actually going to go with your idea Hellkeepa. I'll have it all up this weekend. ;)
Hellkeepa Posted - 04 Nov 2009 : 11:41:22

Glad I could help, and looking forward to see the new draft. :-)

Happy playin'!
Copper Elven Vampire Posted - 27 Oct 2009 : 21:02:32
Very good suggestions my friend. I will re-vamp this PrC as soon as I get the chance and make it more balanced. Thanks.
Hellkeepa Posted - 24 Oct 2009 : 08:28:39

Fixed the table for you:

CL   -BAB -Fort- Ref- Will- Special                                   - Spells per day 
1'st - +0 - +0 - +2 - +2  - Corellon's grace, Improved enchant weapon - +1 level
2'nd - +1 - +0 - +3 - +3  - Corellon's touch, Wrath of the creator    - +1 level
3'rd - +2 - +1 - +3 - +3  - Maximize turning, Wardens immunity        - +1 level
4'th - +3 - +1 - +4 - +4  - Divine focus, Corellon's holy aura        - +1 level
5'th - +3 - +1 - +4 - +4  - Banishment, Starbolts                     - +1 level

Also, I think you want to revise some of the abilities you've given here, especially the first level ones, the Maximized Turning, Wrath of the Creator, Holy Aura and Starbolts.
Corellon's Grace 2/day ensures the that PC always have between 3 and 6 extra dex when it's needed, make that once per day and a flat 4. CL = PrC level.
Improved Enchant weapon... With 20 in Wisdom, you get an epic level weapon at character level 10, need I say more?
Wrath of the Creator: 3 + Cha mod times a day..? That effectively means that all the turning checks are greater turning. Combine this with Maximized Turning and only undeads that are too strong for the party will survive the first round.
Holy Aura is two free 8th level spells, two whole levels before the character even gets access to 8th level spells.
StarBolts: The way it is now it is the same as one 1st level Wizard spell, plus five 5th level Cleric spells. Make it so that you either hit multiple targets with a lesser effect (stun/daze perhaps), or hit one target with the full effect.
Also, Divine Focus: If I recall correctly, the Epic feat "Ignore Material Components" allow for a maximum of 100 GP worth of material components to be ignored. Set this limit to be something like 10 GP, and you'll have it a lot more balanced.

So to sum this up. I like the flavour of this PrC, but you've unfortunately ended up in the same trap that most players who make an PrC does: Totally overpowering it, by not comparing it to other PrCs with the same requirements.
A good way to avoid this, is to make a maximized character build using the PrC, and compared it to a character build (using the base class only) of the same level. They should be roughly comparable in power, with perhaps a slight edge going to the PrC build.

Happy playin'!

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