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 Cormyr: The Tearing of the Weave

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
WalkerNinja Posted - 07 May 2007 : 15:39:10
I am starting a new group of 4th level adventurers in this campagin. The group is supposed to be sort of like a Purple Dragon SWAT team. My question is:

If I want to bring the players up to speed on what's happened in Cormyr in the last five years... what would they know? This is a particularly difficult question for me because while I have read the Cormyr Trilogy, I have not read Return of the Arch Wizards. Perhaps the better question would be... what should I know that they don't?
21   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alisttair Posted - 26 May 2008 : 12:37:32
Originally posted by The Sage

Yes, my copy is also missing the FR title on the spine of the book. As I recall, WotC announced that it was the result of a printing error.

Glad to hear that they aknowledged it. It kind of stands out in my bookshelf, but it doesn't seem to bother me as much as having the corners slightly bent on my GHotR tome (due to dropping it)
I like to keep my books in mint condition as much as possible, especially FR sourcebooks and novels
Victor_ograygor Posted - 24 May 2008 : 09:19:12
Hi MerrikCale

Force Purple is in many ways just like force gray, I just made the team / Group a little more organized, since they are working in and around Cormyr.

The group is an elite attack team that takes care of extra ordinary trouble in Cormyr.

My idea was that there was no reason to use troop’s ore low level war wizards when the thread was to big. So I invented Force Purple, since they use this collar, to represent Cormyr (as I rember).

The Group takes orders fro the top in Cormyr and there jobs includes to eliminate thief guilds and dangerous monster and adventuring groups.

It’s that simple, and I can’t see whey Cormyr shouldn’t have an team like that.

The Sage Posted - 24 May 2008 : 01:35:06
Yes, my copy is also missing the FR title on the spine of the book. As I recall, WotC announced that it was the result of a printing error.
Alisttair Posted - 23 May 2008 : 20:52:02
I just noticed that on my copy of Cormyr: Tearing of the Weave, on the side of the book where all the other 3.x realms books have the Forgotten Realms logo on (the darker brown part), it is missing on mine? Is this the case with anyone else??
scererar Posted - 20 Jun 2007 : 03:26:27
just picked this up. after my first quick read-through, I am excited about getting a game together with this one.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 19 Jun 2007 : 23:18:35
That doesn't sound like much fun to me, Mortagon.
Mortagon Posted - 19 Jun 2007 : 09:20:38
Originally posted by Kaladorm

Well this is good timing, I'm due to run this adventure very soon too. Any problems you've encountered so far WalkerNinja or things to watch out for?

Warning spoilers ahead:
I have just started the adventure and ran into a small problem in the first part where the pc's have to infiltrate the temple of Mystra, some of my player's choose to perform the three day ritual, while the rest of the party waited outside the temple, the result was that half of my party was dominated by the Starry gnosis and the rest had no idea what have happened to them. In effect half of my player's just had to sit through the first part of the adventure as they were dominated. I generally dislike splitting up the party, and even if it was the player's own choice to go through with the ritual, i felt it was to difficult to resist the starry gnosis.If i am ever to run this adventure again I would strongly encourage my player's to snoop around a bit more and give hints that they should not go through with the ritual. Now my party is halved in strength and they face the full force of the temple guards. Very deadly! Might have to bring in some purple dragons to help.
Kaladorm Posted - 25 May 2007 : 10:06:22
Originally posted by Reefy

Originally posted by Kaladorm

And thanks Reefy for the recommendation on the PGtF, I got bored after the first book of RotA, so a summary there is going to be handy

I thought I mentioned that to you when you asked some time previously...

Probably, I haven't read it in any case
Reefy Posted - 24 May 2007 : 20:15:27
Originally posted by Kaladorm

And thanks Reefy for the recommendation on the PGtF, I got bored after the first book of RotA, so a summary there is going to be handy

I thought I mentioned that to you when you asked some time previously...
WalkerNinja Posted - 24 May 2007 : 18:51:35
Originally posted by Kaladorm

Well this is good timing, I'm due to run this adventure very soon too. Any problems you've encountered so far WalkerNinja or things to watch out for? And thanks Reefy for the recommendation on the PGtF, I got bored after the first book of RotA, so a summary there is going to be handy

So far, the only thing that I really dislike about the module is that there's a big bad named dragon somwhere in it, that orginally appeared in 1E &2E lore, but there's no hoard for the adventurers to claim. I'll be adding a hoard.

Other than that, here's my campaign journal:
Kaladorm Posted - 24 May 2007 : 16:46:01
Well this is good timing, I'm due to run this adventure very soon too. Any problems you've encountered so far WalkerNinja or things to watch out for? And thanks Reefy for the recommendation on the PGtF, I got bored after the first book of RotA, so a summary there is going to be handy
MerrikCale Posted - 20 May 2007 : 03:26:14
Originally posted by Victor_ograygor

In my campaign Water deep have Force Gray, and Comyr have Force Purple

Force Purple, huh? do tell
dwarvenranger Posted - 08 May 2007 : 00:37:15
It's also good that Mystra, aka: walkerninja doesn't hold her paladins to the code of conduct that Victor presents under "paladin oaths" in general chat. I'd never get anything done under those restrictions.
dwarvenranger Posted - 08 May 2007 : 00:29:46
Personally I feel that at least the leader, Stedd Truesilver, being a Mystic Fire Knight and blessed with insight from Mystra as well as being a Lionar in the finest fighting force in all of the realms, should know as least as much as his player does
Reefy Posted - 07 May 2007 : 21:15:39
Originally posted by WalkerNinja

I have read the summation in the PGtF, I guess what I'm getting at is should the characters know everything that is in the PGtF summation?

Additionally, since I've not read the series is there something in RotAW that is not included in the PGtF that I should know?

To the former question, I wouldn't have thought they'd know everything, or possibly even much at all. It depends how involved in things they were. Chances are they would have heard a lot of rumours and hearsay, though the accuracy of such talk is debatable. That's how I'd probably play it.
As for your second question, it's been a long time since I read it, but I don't think so.
Victor_ograygor Posted - 07 May 2007 : 18:27:21
Please don’t give the space hamster alcohol..

Great title Wooly Rupert

Like the ring to that WalkerNinja, Steel Dragons, sound cool :-).
WalkerNinja Posted - 07 May 2007 : 18:06:18
Originally posted by Victor_ograygor

In my campaign Water deep have Force Gray, and Comyr have Force Purple

In my game, we're calling them Steel Dragons. I'll be keeping notes in the Adventurer's Journals as with my last campaign.
WalkerNinja Posted - 07 May 2007 : 18:05:17
I have read the summation in the PGtF, I guess what I'm getting at is should the characters know everything that is in the PGtF summation?

Additionally, since I've not read the series is there something in RotAW that is not included in the PGtF that I should know?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 07 May 2007 : 17:11:54
Just quote Susan Ivanova from Babylon 5:

Boom. Boom boom boom. Boom boom. Boom! Have a nice day!

Reefy Posted - 07 May 2007 : 16:37:30
Do you have the Player's Guide to Faerûn? The Campaign Journal section within that tome contains a decent summary of the Return of the Archwizards events. Also, although I've not read it, I believe Elminster's Daughter has a lot of good new Cormyr information. Beyond that, check out the 'Ask Ed' thread, there's probably plenty of info in there to be mined, as well anything resident expert Garen Thal may have brought to the table.
Victor_ograygor Posted - 07 May 2007 : 15:53:06
In my campaign Water deep have Force Gray, and Comyr have Force Purple

Four from Cormyr
Volos Guide to Cormyr
Dugeon #88

They give a great insight into both Cormyrian laws, behaviour, cultur and alot of special sites


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