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 Van Richten Guides

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Dalor Darden Posted - 02 Apr 2011 : 02:06:03
Am I the only one that uses these in the Forgotten Realms?

I was just thinking on them after replying again to the Vampire scroll currently active.

What are some of the best uses you have gained from them? Please share!
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
The Sage Posted - 03 Apr 2011 : 03:22:45
Originally posted by Fellfire

I thought that VR's Guide to Shadow Fey was a just a reprint of the lore presented in Shadow Rift.
There's some reprinted stuff, but a lot of new info was presented too, and material that hadn't been updated in quite some time.

Also, some of the content had to be changed to reflect the fact that the 3e RAVENLOFT campaign didn't take place in the core D&D cosmology.
Markustay Posted - 03 Apr 2011 : 03:07:41
The shadow-fey (Shadowrift) material was the only decent treatment of fey in AD&D. Tall Tales... was OD&D, and everything else was 3rd party. It remains one of my favorite 2e sourcebooks.

How a fantasy setting/game/genre has managed to avoid fairy-lore for nearly 40 years is beyond me.

I found the online WotC articles... disappointing. Not bad, but they didn't really grab me, either.
Fellfire Posted - 03 Apr 2011 : 02:14:35
I thought that VR's Guide to Shadow Fey was a just a reprint of the lore presented in Shadow Rift. The three Compendiums are a valued part of my library as well, though I seem to have misplaced II in my most recent move. Grrrr. Still waiting for it to turn up.
The Sage Posted - 03 Apr 2011 : 02:10:58
Originally posted by Laerrigan

Yes, good stuff regardless of setting. I'm particularly fond of Created and Shadow Fey, and much more for the lore and perspective than the stats. Great ideas in them.

The 3e Shadow Fey guide is particularly notable, since that particular region of RAVENLOFT hasn't received all that much attention in the past.
Laerrigan Posted - 03 Apr 2011 : 01:37:02
Yes, good stuff regardless of setting. I'm particularly fond of Created and Shadow Fey, and much more for the lore and perspective than the stats. Great ideas in them.
Markustay Posted - 02 Apr 2011 : 21:46:08
Yup - I take them as the 'D&D default' (core) rules regarding all things undead (or Created... or Vistani). Great set of books.
Dalor Darden Posted - 02 Apr 2011 : 21:18:32
Originally posted by Halidan

Add my name to the ever gowing list of supporters. As Wolly said these guides were some of the best material ever written for D&D, whatever edition you play. You can take the lore and easily figure out the stats for the creatures in any edition - including other games. I've used several Van Richten creaturers/settings in my GURPS game.

I'm seriously taken aback by what all I'd FORGOTTEN from these books! Seriously, the lore is deep.
Halidan Posted - 02 Apr 2011 : 20:56:27
Add my name to the ever gowing list of supporters. As Wolly said these guides were some of the best material ever written for D&D, whatever edition you play. You can take the lore and easily figure out the stats for the creatures in any edition - including other games. I've used several Van Richten creaturers/settings in my GURPS game.
GRYPHON Posted - 02 Apr 2011 : 14:37:05
VR Guides are a great source of material...
Wooly Rupert Posted - 02 Apr 2011 : 03:32:05
The Van Richten's Guides are some of the best books TSR produced. I recommend them highly, for any edition or setting.
Ayrik Posted - 02 Apr 2011 : 02:16:29
I make heavy use of them, too. 2E's Ravenloft and Planescape lore are unsurpassable.
The Sage Posted - 02 Apr 2011 : 02:10:13
You're definitely not alone. The various Van Richten Guides from 2e RAVENLOFT, along with the Compendiums, and the 3e Van Richten works for the setting, are all regularly thumbed tomes at my gaming time -- especially The Created and Lich volumes.

They never fail to provide good ideas, concepts, and/or inspiration for campaigns themed around their featured nasties. And I'm not exaggerating when I say that they are likely to be among my most valuable RPG sources from over the last 25+ years of collecting.

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