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 Mielikki Woodscout Question (2nd ed)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Apex Posted - 28 Aug 2009 : 20:56:09
I have a player in my current Moonshae campaign that is a Woodscout (from "Warriors and Priests of the Realms") and want to know what weapons you would allow them. The kit seems to say nothing other than that they prefer long swords and short bows, but says nothing if all weapons are allowed or only those in addition to typical priest weapons. Also, do you think allowing them access to the elemental sphere would unbalance the class?
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Jorkens Posted - 31 Aug 2009 : 16:09:51
I would probably modify the kit somewhat with fewer spheres, but if it is no problem for you and your players then go for it. But I would restrict the weapons; with the exception of the sword I would only allow weapons that dealt with hunting or survival. Do you own Rangers Handbook? Spears, knives, bows, hand axes etc. but no lances, larger swords&axes or mace-like weapons. That at least gives them some restrictions.
Apex Posted - 31 Aug 2009 : 15:40:14
Luckily, the campaign only has 3 players, so the overpowered nature won't be too bad. The lack of armor is still the biggest drawback, as the magic-user is likely to get first dibs on any protective items. I actually kind of like the class for my small campaign, as it provides an extra fighter and still keeps a healer available. Still, like many of the religious additions to the Realms, it is quite a bit more powerful than standard classes.
Hoondatha Posted - 28 Aug 2009 : 22:41:50
Just a follow-up to my post; I did a little comparison between a Ranger and a Woodscout, picking an arbitrary amount of XP: 300,000. Here's the results:

Ranger: Level 9
THAC0: 12
Max Hit Points: 90
Spells: 2 (1st level spells!)
Hide/MS: 56%/70%

Woodscout: Level 12
THAC0: 9
Max Hit Points: 78
Spells: 6/5/5/3/2/2 + Wis (6th level spells!)

All the ranger has going for him are an extra 12 hit points. Oh wait. The woodscout gets major access to Healing. He's got a Heal spell in memory. So much for that argument.

The ranger can hide himself half the time. Oh wait. The woodscout casts Tree; no one's going to notice him. He needs to do it more than once? No problem, it's a third level spell. He can cast it five times. At 18 turns each, he can do it all day.

Or maybe the woodscout casts Control Weather (you know, his SECOND 6th level spell) to make a fog bank roll in and he just stands in the fog. Or he could, you know create a tornado and not worry about hiding.

No. The woodscout needs nothing to cream the ranger's clock. Want 7th level spells? Sunray, Creeping Doom, Changestaff, Control Weather? No problem. 750,000 XP. When the ranger is... level 10. And still three points of THAC0 behind.

Hide in Shadows looks pretty puny in comparison, huh? Gods what an unbalanced class.

For comparison, here's what the other classes are at with 300,000 XP:

Wizard: Level 10
Cleric: Level 9
Rogue: Level 11
Hoondatha Posted - 28 Aug 2009 : 22:23:48
I'd say they have the same weapons as rangers. After all, it says they attack as rangers, and mentions non-cleric weapons in the description.

I'd also be leery of adding more spheres to the class. These guys are essentially super-charged rangers. They trade animal empathy, followers, two weapon fighting, and hide/move silently for full spell progression and slightly fewer hit points (let's face it, when was the last time a PC ranger wore anything heavier than studded leather?). Not to mention the druid experience table, which means they'll be leveling *significantly* faster than everyone in the group (especially other rangers) until level 15! Not to mention getting exceptional Str and Con.

If you're going to add any sphere, elemental makes the most thematic sense, but this guy is already going to be running rings around the rangers in the group. For the love of Mielikki, if you're going to do this, give them only minor access!

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