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 Abjurant Champion & mage armor

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Penknight Posted - 07 Mar 2009 : 01:05:20
I was recently going over the Abjurant Champion PrC in Complete Mage and read again where it mentions they favor mage armor and shield spells to defend themselves in combat. Interestingly enough, if you look at the NPC they use, his armor value is a lot higher than it should be for just using the spell. It actually appears that he used his Abjurant Champion levels to raise the bonus from it. Is that possible, or is it a misprint? I thought that mage armor was a Conjuration spell.
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Penknight Posted - 07 Mar 2009 : 03:46:33
Originally posted by Daviot
Not explicitly, according to the racial traits on pages 119-120 of Races of Faerūn. It does give them wings*, a variety of minor spell-like abilities, and a relatively high level adjustment. Still, it would not be a farfetched assumption to house-rules in elven senses for fey'ri.

*When the fluff tells us that not all fey'ri have them

Yeah, I remember reading about them in Cloak & Dagger which is where I first learned about them. And you're right, not all of the fey'ri in 2nd Edition had the wings. Never had a chance to play one in 2nd Edition, though. Again, I really appreciate all of your help. I probably will house-rule it; it kind of makes sense to me.
Daviot Posted - 07 Mar 2009 : 02:59:14
Originally posted by Penknight
It does, thank you! Crap, one last thing I wanted to ask. I hate when a lot of people are talking to me at once and I forget to ask the other part. Do fey'ri have the ability of noticing hidden doors like elves do?

Not explicitly, according to the racial traits on pages 119-120 of Races of Faerūn. It does give them wings*, a variety of minor spell-like abilities, and a relatively high level adjustment. Still, it would not be a farfetched assumption to house-rules in elven senses for fey'ri.

*When the fluff tells us that not all fey'ri have them
Penknight Posted - 07 Mar 2009 : 01:22:59
Originally posted by Daviot

You're correct; they mentioned just this in the errata:
Page 51 – Abjurant Champion
Class Features [Deletion]

Under the abjurant armor ability,
remove mention of “mage armor” at
the end of the paragraph. The abjurant
armor ability does not affect mage
armor, but the spell is still useful to an
abjurant champion.

Hope that helps!

It does, thank you! Crap, one last thing I wanted to ask. I hate when a lot of people are talking to me at once and I forget to ask the other part. Do fey'ri have the ability of noticing hidden doors like elves do?
Daviot Posted - 07 Mar 2009 : 01:16:24
You're correct; they mentioned just this in the errata:
Page 51 – Abjurant Champion
Class Features [Deletion]

Under the abjurant armor ability,
remove mention of “mage armor” at
the end of the paragraph. The abjurant
armor ability does not affect mage
armor, but the spell is still useful to an
abjurant champion.

Hope that helps!

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