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 The Dalelands and 3 Subplots im working on...

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Fendrikor Posted - 04 Dec 2013 : 05:44:09
Alright.. i am preparing to run a campaign set in Daggerdale in 1373, the year of rogue dragons.

The campaign will be using City of the Spiderqueen as the main plot (with the Kiaransaleen drow intent on ravaging the surface world over a time line) But to downplay and minimise the issue of the plans detailed in the module i have decided to flesh out the surface of the Dales and create plots and intrigue there... so i want to just vent some ideas here and get some tips/perhaps ideas from the community.

PLOT 1 - Gothyls Return

After the events that culminated 4 years ago in the retake of the capital of daggerdale, Daggerfalls (in the module, Return of Randal morn) Gothyl the Demishade was severed from her Phylactary - the Sword of the Dales.

What resulted, even Elminster did not expect - a Storm of Wild Magic contained within the Constables Tower (a large fortress at the centre of town where Gothyl was last encountered upon ascending from an Archshadow to a Demishade) thought this still begs the question why Elminster just shrugged and left the city with the Tower in shambles)

Acording to everything i have read on the net (and Volos guide) the storm of wild magic consists of an all pervasive mist, Lightening Bolts, Meteorswarms, Freezing blizzards and Corrosive acid rain. At the same time the effect seems to constantly repairing the tower super structure keeping it from simply explodeing. Worse, after four years of this the wild magic has begun to leak out affecting spellcasters who approach the tower (causing their spells to behave erratically and unpredictable)

Apparently also, Gothyl is still inside - without her connect to the Sword of the Dales, she is vulnrable to being destroyed. So it goes to reason for me that she would prefer to be at the eye of the storm. However, She also Greatly Desires to live again - something requiring True Resurrection - or a powerful Cleric (atleast 16th level as she has been dead for 154 years) and her Bones.

This leads me to two possible plot archs... One of my players, a Sorceress (Elemental bloodline Air)/ Stormcaller (Stormwrack) has decided she loves the Gothyl history so much she wants to be her Decendant. However she has no love for her ancestor - and has over time - become the gaurdian of her Bones. She dwells in an Enclave in the Thunderpeaks (south of Deepingdale) where i imagine she has begun to have disturbing dreams bidding her to bring the Bones to Daggerfalls - her Goal to Ressurect Gothyl (secretly ofcourse). However she has also voiced to me the opinion that in doing this, She can use the opportunity to Kill Gothyl in her mortal form. This may take some building up Trust with Lord Randal morn of Daggerdale to obtain his OK in garnering the assistance of the Temple of Lathanders Light in bringing Gothyl back to life - So that gives her plenty of reason to do him a favor (Adventure wise)

The Second Plot idea was she has no intention of bringing Gothyl back to life - but Seeks aid in conducting a Saunce uptop the Constables tower - Using both the Bones, and Gothyls old Phylactary the Sword of the Dales - as the keys to drawing her out of the tower by Force. During the Saunce they will have to fight the Lesser Spirits inhabiting the tower (The 5 Burning Skulls of her Apprentices (Lost empires of Faerun), Possibly The Spectres of Illthond (The wizard she killed in order to Ascend) and Guthbert (The old tower constable) before confronting Gothyl herself.

Gothyl (Living)
Level 14 or higher Sorceress. The trouble here is that Bringing her back to life and killing her off on its own may simply be too easy - and Gothyl would be too smart to just be raised and killed (though the players may be morally opposed to it - and the Church of Lathander may deem it underhanded and would not sanction such use of its magic.

Gothyl (Dead)
Ghost Template, except she can be permanently destroyed, her touch bestows 2 Negative levels. With Malevolence, Telekinesis and Horrific Visage. Additionally im thinking she could call shadows from the tower to her aid (all that remains of the Zhentarim Garrison possibly 10 shadows all up).

But i feel maybe there would be a more inventive way to handle this scenario.. Going into the Tower is Clearly out of the question (high level wizards have tried and failed to overcome the wildmagic) so drawing her out or giving her what she wants seems to be the best answer. But what do you think?

PLOT 2 - Cult of the Dragon

So some time ago the Lich Sammaster founded the Cult of the Dragon. He was destroyed the for the First time by an Avatar of Lathander in a Climactic battle with the Harpers near the Village of Hap in Battledale. The resulting conflict created a Relic known as the Blood of Lathander - gathered from the droplets of the Avatars blood (who was wounded by Samaster prior to his own destruction) in an Amber Vial.

The Relic has become somewhat forgotten and now hovers 30 feet above the ground in a Converted Barn gone Church called the Chapel of Lathanders Open Hand.

One of my players is playing a Morninglord of Lathander (We used Radiant Servant, converted over to pathfinder). He is quite powerful and heroic and he has been in previous campaigns before (as just a radiant servant). The plot line we are going with is that the Cult of the Dragon has never forgotten or Forgiven the upset caused to them by the Harpers - and since Sammaster has now instigated the Rage of Dragons - It makes sense to me that his Agents, the Wearers of purple would be using 1373 as the 'Year of Settling old Scores'.

So... I have a Wearer of Purple (level 7) named Zulthur, his right hand man Mathal (Level 4 Sorcerer), a Cleric of Shaar (4th) and 2 Mooks (level 3 fighters) embark Incognito to Battledale from Sembia. Sammaster has Chosen Zulthur to destroy the Light of Lathander by gifting upon him a Ring of Dragon Friendship. With the Ring, he has saught out a Greendragon in Cormanthor and Allied with it to Attack Hap. However during the battle, one of the Shrine Clergy managed to escape with the Blood of Lathander and flee to Featherdale.

The Green Dragon was wounded greivously in the Battle of Hap destroying a party of adventurers - Dieing, Zulthur offered it another way out - becoming a Dracolich. He has all the Feats to do this, and
With alittle help from Sammaster (or forward planning) can make or has made Dracolich Brew. The Dragon is Transformed (only a weak Dracolich CR 12 all up).

After a long and arduous journey changing hands and seeking advice from various priests the Blood passes into the hands of the Character, a Morninglord on his way to the newly Constructed Lathanders Light Temple in Daggerfalls. Apparently, the Light Must travel there - 3 Knights of the Aster (warriors of Lathander) escort it.

Finally, when this player gets written in (on the Tethyamar Trail 1 month after my campaign starts - as he will be overseas before then), Zulthur and his Dracolich catch up with them. The rest of the party stumble upon the battle in media res.

If they assist him in bringing the Blood to Lathanders Light temple, ofcourse he joins them in their quest.

I have never run a Dracolich before (though given the Cults propensity to make Dracoliches left right and centre, a less powerful Dracolich seemed fitting for what is effectivly a Write in encounter).

Since the Cult of the Dragon is not the most Organised Sect in Faerun, and are busy carrying out the Will of Sammaster on Many fronts this year - I dont think there will be a follow up encounter.

In a neat Twist, i am thinking of makeing the Ring of Dragon Friendship (loot from Zulthir) the Phylactery of the Dracolich... this may lead to some interesting developments later in the campaign (Rubs hands together gleefully).

Is this a good idea? Anyone run cult of the dragon before? how can i improve / Re-hash it to be better?

PLOT 3 - The Shadovars

Last year saw the return of the City of Shade over the Direwood – and its eventual resettling in the Anauroch Desert. The Shadovars are busily takeing care of buisness in the Empire of Shadows – however they have an eye turned curiously outward to the world.

Only those with the rank of Captain or higher have permission from Lord Telamont to leave the ciy on matters of intellegence... Thus, one of my players, a Shadowdancer and Reconnisance Infiltrator has been dispatched to the neighboring Dalelands.

Here is where I need your help.

We thought it would be a cool idea if a small Squad of Shadovar elite had gone with him in the initial insertion to Daggerdale. Camped out in the Foothills of the Deserts mouth Mountains.

This squad numbers roughly 6 Shadovar Duskblades (3rd) and 1 Cleric of Shar (6th).

Would it make more Sense if the Duskblades were Krinth? (Anauroch, Empire of shadow)

Is giving him this backup too much? Or should I have him take the Leadership feat if he wants his Mooks waiting in the wings to bail him out? The Idea of the Mook Squad is for if he is ever Discovered and Captured / locked up. He has an elaborate cover identity, and I have encouraged him to make a Cover within a Cover to help him lie himself out any situation – and I have given him the incentive of experience point gain, awarding him 500 exp for each Session he manages to maintain his cover identity.

He is fully prepared for the eventuality of PVP if the party decides to Kill him for lieing to them. Or being Written out if he cant find the footing to stay in the party even after he is revealed (he has some motivations tied to the main quest).

But the more I think about it the less I think the Shadovars are Equipped to Invade anyone. They are powerful Arcanists yes, with a Strong army (im thinking like Germany here). But its Small and Elite.

Infiltration and Reconnisance – that makes sense. But invasion? It would seem a better idea to mass an army and throw down Zhentil keep (again) first.

That and, Myth Drannor looks to be re-established within the next year... Kind of puts the Shadovars on shaky ground.

I have more ideas, but I dont want to make this post more excessive than it is.

Suggestions? Ideas? Comments? Everything helps.


12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Fendrikor Posted - 02 Jan 2014 : 08:45:35
Thanks Cyril! Your ideas have given me Ideas, so too have the Links to the Dale communities in your Signature :)


DATE : I have changed it from 1373, Mirtul, Year of Rogue Dragons to 1372, Marpenoth, Year of Wild Magic. To which end i am downplaying the Cult of the Dragon subplots, and stepping up the presence of the Zhentarim.

GOTHYL : After finding a good set of Statistics for Gothyl i have come to realise she is Beyond the players abilities to Confront directly (Apparently, she is CR 21) ... also the more i think about the Constables tower, the more i realise a level 10 party simply cannot do anything about it without an entire quest chain in its own right... To which End, As nothing is written about the Storm of Wild Magic within the tower... i would attribute it to an Accidental Byproduct of Elminsters Severing of Gothyl from the Blade. Perhaps they could Contact Elminster (no easy feat) and Decide that Gothyl needs to be Re-bound to the Sword of the Dales to Reverse the effect. At which point, the Sword of the Dales will have to be Destroyed to permanently kill Gothyl. But why do the party care about Gothyl at all? One of the Party members is a Witch (pathfinder), the last Decendant of Gothyls Apprenti. She has been haunted by visions, given strange powers and driven by whispers to do undertake strange journeys - to collect the Scattered bones of Gothyl (which were hidden by her apprentices so she could be ressurected later). Gothyl wants to live again, she wants the security of a Mortal body. And there are two ways of doing so. One, is to simply be Ressurected (returned to the Old Age at which she attempted lichdom - there for - undesirable), or Two, be Reincarnated into the Witch players body (who is young and pretty). The Witch player ofcourse knows none of this, all she knows is she has to bring the Bones to tower.. but she is missing the final peice - Gothyls Skull. Which i have decided will be hidden somewhere in the Rimwoods of Cormanthor just beyond the Daggerhills in a Cave belonging to a Beholder named Sevvarku. This is what i have so far on this quest line.

THE SWORD OF THE DALES : Is currently kept by Lord Randal Morn. After the incidents in 'Return of Randal Morn' Elminster Severed Gothyl from the Blade - Forcing her to find a new Phylactary. Im not sure yet what this may be ([perhaps something belonging to Illthond) but she Absorbed Illthonds Soul in order to Ascend.. so im pretty sure theres little left of him except a Greater Shadow. Randal is Reluctant to give the sword up - as it Symbolises alot to him, the End of his Struggle to finally free Daggerdale, the history of its people, and how very near he came to death at Gothyls hands. There is little to no chance it will leave his hands willingly. However if he can be convinced the Sword is key to Vanquishing Gothyl forever and reclaiming the Constables tower, he could be made to give it up.


One of my players, An Elf Divniner from a paralell universe, wrote his backstory as to have played a part in fighting by Lord Randal Morns Side in the Reclamation of Daggerdale from the Zhents. Now a Bannerman, we gave him a Tower in the small Elvish Enclave of Tachepp where he is head of the town council. However during his time on Toril, he also became an Agent for the Harpers.

I figured a good first mission would be to have word reach him on his visit to Daggerfalls that a fellow harper named Hama dissapeared investigating something to do with Eldreth Veluuthra raiders from Borderforest outside White Chalk Hollow. As it turns out, White Chalk Hollow when the players arrive is completely Abandoned. They discover not Eldreth Veluuthra, but Ogrillion Mercinarys. There is a cool Mission in a Dragon Magazine i have involving a Night Twist, which i am basing this off of. As it turns out, Hama, is a Centaur (and a harper) but has turned from the Harp to further the cause of the Eldreth Veluuthra. Hama, struck a deal with the Zhents to depopulate villages by using a Night Twist from Border Forest. The Zhent Slavers however got the Raw end of the Deal - as the Night Twist meant the humans captivated by its Siren Song would simply Die anyway when taken Away for long enough. He would then Rat the Zhents out to the Daggerfolk. The Ogrillions are his hired Goons.

I think this would work well with the 'Harpers police their own' Subplot - but it also leads into the Tethyamar Base mission, as the zhent slavers return to get revenge (shortly after the players deal with Hama) only to get killed by the players anyway. Correspondants on in their Camp with Kara Chermosk (the cleric of Bane running the opperation in the Secret Base in Tethyamar mine) will hint at their base being Located in Giants Craw - to the South west in the Tarkhen Hills at the foot of the Deserts mouth mountains.

Obviously, Harpers uncovering some Massive Evil just under the nose of good is what its all about ehy. Still if anyone wants to add a Harper Bent to this PLEASE inform me what i should be considering... Also if you know anything moreon the Eldreth Veluuthra, that would be great.

Ill put my other revisions up later, as i ran out of time :/
Cyril Lokner Posted - 29 Dec 2013 : 16:24:54

I've done a fair amount of work on Daggerdale, keeping all that is canon and throwing in a ton of additional information taken from others here at Candlekeep and my own ideas. Some of the items I have published here on these forums might be of help to you. Take a look at my signature below for the links.

I also want to make a few comments on some of the items discussed in this thread that you can take or leave.

The Constables Tower: Have powerful wizards not fixed the problem at Constables Tower because it's that complicated or because they have better things to do than repair a wild magic area in some backwoods holding? I know it mentions in Volo's Guide to the Dalelands that even Vangerdahast couldn't figure it out. But I imagine Vangerdahast showing up casting a few analytical spells, thinking to himself that it's interesting, then teleporting off because Filfaeril paged him because the king misplaced the remote door opener for the armory again. That said, perhaps it is an extremely difficult puzzle. I've always like to think that the maelstrom of spells is actually Gothyl and Ilthond still battling to this day. But Thomas Costa and Eric Boyd indicated that Gothyl escaped with the Sword and became an ascendant shadow lich. And where is the Sword of the Dales? That's a story that I think would be very interesting.

Mines of Tethyamar: This is a dream project of mine, but as I get about 2 hours a month to tinker away at Daggerdale, I'll be 174 before I start this. I see it as a metropolis of evil since the dwarves tried to retake it in 1364 DR. A seething den of barghests, goblins, orcs, worghests, and a dash of devils.

Leucrotta: You mentioned that you wanted to include an encounter with leucrotta. Awesome! One of the ideas I have on the back burner is this: Daggerdale isn't worth the time and effort for a group to set up a thieve's guild. But I still believe that there can be a crime element. The leucrotta pack might not seem like the way to go, but here me out. Just as intelligent as humans, able to survive and disappear into the wilds of Daggerdale, and evil to the core. They could be a dale wide "street gang" that is trying to get their turf completely under their control. Throw in a changesteed leucrotta as a leader with possible doppleganger allies and you'll see some potential. I really haven't thought it out beyond this.

I appreciate the opportunity to share some thoughts.
Eli the Tanner Posted - 17 Dec 2013 : 01:45:03
Looks like you've got a lot of plots primed there Fendrikor

Are you planning to use these subplots to distract the group from heading toward Maerimydra or to replace the deep wastes trek altogether?

Considering how much you've got on the table I'd suggest cutting out the Deep Wastes trek and putting a portal to Maerimydra in or near Szith Morcane. With this extra time/exp freed up you can start entwining your group in daleland plots.

Try switching the map and letter in Dorina's chamber with some sort of hook that leads them on to your other dalelands adventures. Vague mentions of any of the locations you have in mind or a crude map of a locale (unlabeled so the group needs to figure it out). You have a good opportunity to keep the true nature of the threat obscure. Let the group think the Szith Morcane adventure is just another subplot...only to call back to it later on.

Perhaps a portal to maerimydra needs to be used to uncovered?

Additionaly there are a number of alternate routes to Maerimydra that might need to be hunted down (shadowdale, battledale, Tethyamar and Zhentil Keep all have other entrances) but each time the route is complicated by whatever subplot you have in mind.

I'd suggest adding a small token or clue to drow involvement in each of your subplots (perhaps they are all part of a key to use the portal) but keep them oblique, almost dismissable. You can slowly build the importance of the drow threat as they progress until you are ready for them tackle the main mission.

P.S. I posted a link to Gothyl in your other thread, tell me if that was you were looking for. I might have more stuff like that.
Fendrikor Posted - 08 Dec 2013 : 03:47:54
Ok so i have done some research and have decided to combine a couple good concepts to create interesting / challenging submissions. Alot of this has been taken by cobbling together various Sources and Missions from published adventures in ways adapted to suit my campaign.

Nesherrlageth's lair.
A mysterious Loremaster of Oghma comes into town one day on a quest for knowledge, saying he has been studying the ruins of the Jhaamdathi town of Dordrien to understand why they settled there. He comes to a breakthrough when he finds engravings speaking of the power of the city's lords, that their flesh could turn blades and arrows - even the force of Giants. An Invulnerability sourced from jealously guarded secret springs found only in the caves beneath the valley.

He says he has discovered one such entrance to the tunnels beneath, but found it strewn with petrified bodies. not dareing to enter some sort of monster lair, he left. He does not have much by way of Money, but he does have Maps and Knowledge. Should the potential pull of invulnrability not prove to be enough incentive, he would happily conduct a scholarly study for them on obscure topics.

What lays within the Cave is detailed in Lords of Madness Sevvraku's lair. After battling past Driders, Ropers, a Chasm full of Violet Fungi and finally the Beholder Sevvraku himself - they will find the pools do exist (instead of the Gnome/living quaters part of the cave)

A character with a base attack bonus of +10 will intuitivly know that batheing in the pools waters for an hour will infuse their body with its power (for roughly a month). The Pool Grants DC 15/Magic for that duration (but im wondering if i should make this something more useful).

However it is not over. Anyone entering the Pool attracts the attention of 2 Truely horrid Umberhulks hideing in the walls.

The Lairs of Malaritheos and Zathrantamix

In the Deserts mouth mountains, in the Dormant Volcano called 'Mount Kraggenhorn' rests a family of Red Dragons. They have subjugated the Frost giants, Goblins and Fiendish creatures dwelling in the region and are quite well established at the Top of the food chain. Unwilling to draw attention from the neighboring lowlands the Dragons have been content to slowly grow their hoard through the offerings of their monsterous neighbors while they raise their three young children.

However now the rage of Dragons has crept in - they have become posessed of a terrible lust for slaughter. Takeing Flight the two Dragons begin attacking highland villages in western Daggerdale - and displacing Monsters from the mountains into the lowlands. Giants begin wandering the foothills - killing shephards and takeing sheep. In a desperate Bid to placate the dragons, they have even been takeing prisoners up to sacrifice thinking it is the 'Will of Thrymm' that has set the wyrms upon them.

Randal is concerned, but more so is he concerned about running the Coffers dry as he has already posted rewards for stopping the Drow Raids from Dordrien, and reclaiming the constables tower. To which end, he is looking for Dragon slayers intent upon the Dragons hoards alone to serve as motivation.

If no one answers the call, eventually, the pair will attack Daggerfalls causing massive loss in life and damage.

The lair, which was taken from Mysteries of the Moonsea, is relatively unchanged. Im not sure if while under the rage, Dragons bother returning to their lairs - but i figured becuase of their young they probably would.

Tethyamar Fortress

A Secret Zhentilar base within the Mines of Tethyamar has been established now for over a year. Having made peace with the fiendish inhabitance the Zhents have been mineing and expanding the old mines with Smoke powder under the careful supervision of Captain Kara Chermosk.

Recently, the Knights of the North - during a Caravan Raid - discovered a shipment of Tethyamar steel leaving Zhentil keep for the citidel of the Raven. Among it was a note written from Scylla Darkhope adressed to Fzoul himself expressing Kara's acomplishments in the Mine as worthy of Note and some Details about the base now being 'Fully opperational'.

No maps exist to the base, but should the party have helped the Ogmanite cleric earlier, or does some research themselves, they will uncover the most likely Minor entrys as Documented to the Mines and their proxmity to Daggerfalls.

Once the base has been identified, Randal will be set upon storming it with an army of Freedom Riders. What will happen next will be up to the players.

In the Valley they will have to contend with a Hungry Cyclopse. Trolls and a Zhentarim Skymage - who should he escape - will set the base on Alert makeing things difficult for the players.

The Freedom Riders cannot get inside while both the outer and inner gates are closed. Once the base is on alert, they will be under attack non stop if they decide to infiltrate.

this mission i will intend to use alot of content from Heroes of battle. Especially once the Gates are open and the Freedom Riders can Assault the Mine propper.

The Green Bones of Azurphax

So i have decided that Hap came under assault by a Green Dragon named Azurphax who succamb to the Rage. Unluckily for the Dragon, many knights of the Aster were in hap paying Ceremony to the Blood of Lathander in the Chapel of Lathanders open hand. at Great cost, the dragon was defeated - and striken mortally it retreated to its lair in Cormanthor.

The cult of the Dragon had spys in town at the time, and approached the Dragon in its lair with the offer of immortality and treasure. made lucid from its injurys, It accepted becoming a Dracolich.

During the time it took to do this, the Blood of Lathander was moved to a safer location - Lathanders light temple in Daggerdale.

Encounter One - Dances with Were wolves

As Treygan, the barer of the Blood, is travelling the Tethyamar trail (in disguise to not draw attention) he meets with the players and offers to travel together to Daggerfalls.

On the way they are accosted by a Cleric of Bane and 5 female rangers (who are werewolves), She tells them to hand over the Blood (which they obviously wont) but if they milk her for information she says Terror, Born on great and terrible wings will be their punishment.

The werewolves and the Cleric are a hard fight - The Cleric fights to the death especially - as she is more afraid of Bane, than death. But the Were wolves flee if either the Cleric is killed, or the fight is going badly for them. If captured and questioned they will say they serve Azurphax, who now serves the cult of the Dragon.

The players may wish now to either hunt down Azurphax and end her, only to find she is a Dracolich.

If they do not - Eventually - Azurphax will come to them, attacking Lathanders Light Temple in search of the Blood of Lathander.

She is a CR 15 Dracolich.

Fendrikor Posted - 05 Dec 2013 : 08:45:40
Other Encounters i am considering adding in:

A Treasure Map sold to the party by a Gnome at the Red Rock leading to a Medusa Lair in the Daggerhills - turns out to be a Beholder Lair from Lords of Madness. Should be fun.

The Gallimore Ambush from Drow of the Underdark, will be replacing the interview with the 'Half Dragon' from the random encounters table. He has the intention on robbing the players blind.. but im not sure yet if instead i might use him as a means of explaining that not all the Diaspora from the doomed city went to Szith Morcane - some turned to Banditry.

An Encounter with a Massive Delver in a Cavern with lots of quick sand pits (from Book of Challenges) may serve me with some inspiration.

A Svirfneblin / Duergar trader selling Salvage of dubious origin.

etc.. things like this so far.
Fendrikor Posted - 05 Dec 2013 : 08:41:54
:) hello Eli the tanner!

I dont know much about the Rage yet, only that Sammaster triggered it and that over the course of the year - a Green Dragon destroys Tangled Trees, A Black Dragon Attacks the White tower in High moon and a Red Dragon Sets fire to a large area of Forest in Battledale. Other than that not much is said about Dragons in the Dales - but its not to say that Dragons dont cause less notable issues.. such as moving into a part of the country side and driving everybody off.

Glad to hear im not the only one doing this - though you seem to have more experiance than me. thus far this is what i have.

- Treygan Blackmore (Human Cleric 6 Radiant Servant of Lathander 4 Daggerfolk)
A Morninglord currently escorting the Blood of Lathander from the Chapel in Hap to Lathanders Light Temple in Daggerfalls.

- Freya (Human Sorceress (Air bloodline) 9 / Stormcaster 1 Thunderpeaks)
The Mortal Decendant of Gothyl. Haunted by nightmares of her ancestor calling her to bring the Bones to the Constables tower, she is torn between fullfilling her ancestors wishes or finding a means of destroying her.

- Cordell Shadowblade (Captain Thulkai) (Fetchling Ninja 6 / Shadowdancer 3 Shadovar)
An infiltrator from the Shadovar empire seeking to gather information and retrieve relics for Prince Telamont in the city of shade. Currently masquerading as a representative from the knights of the north sent to answer lord Randals request for aid.

- Throlian Ruadeth (Moon Elf Wizard 8 / OlinGisir 2 Elvencourt)
A traveller from another plane, Throlian has been in the realms for thirty years, ending up helping Randal Morn fight his rebellion against the Zhents and inevitably becoming his personal court wizard. Throlian studied under elminster for one winter after the retake of daggerfalls and has a tower located just north out of town on the edge of Border forest in a valley full of blueberry bushes.

- As yet unnamed (Human Fighter 6 / Duelist 4 Sembian)
As yet not much has been written, but he is a duel weapon fighter with flare - with a reputation for fine blade work on both the Battlefield and in the Bedroom.

as for plots, thus far, i still have a month to plan all the details but -

Given the City of the Spiderqueen has a timeline i was thinking of throwing it all out there to keep them busy, occupy them so things can advance.

Most of the stuff im detailing so far are based on external pressures and rumors ive found.

So i want to include an encounter with Leucrottas in the wilderness, Ex Zhentarim Bandits hideing out in the Daggerhills (with a cyclopse in their numbers), the wearers of Purple attacking the blood of lathander on the road... so far as i can tell no real dragon attacks of note occur in the dale over the year - but im sure that doesnt mean a village or two doesnt have 'Dragon troubles' especially along the Deserts Mouth Mountains Side of the Dale.

I was toying with the idea of the Tethyamar Mine / Zhentarim plot as i found the map / lay out in Lords of Darkness :3 I think it would be a cool diversion to work with Captain Merin 'Troll' Dermak to clear out Zhent Holdings along the Dale borders for some extra money. So i may prolly use this just to flesh the dale out some more and Drum home the Enemy that is the Zhents.

Shadovar interests in the dale are distant, i dont think they are more than Vermin at the moment - never the less - the Shadovar player is under cover and will be gathering information and eliminating 'bigger' threats. I was considering having his ultimate goal to find a good time to Assasinate Randal Morn - but im still deciding with him if it would be worth the hassel.

A Beholder encounter in the Dagger hills would be an essential, but im unsure how to go about it :) still thinking.

As for plots in the deep wastes - i am DEFINANTLY considering using some of the stuff from the underdark guide - especially Gduars Garden. But its in the wrong place.. i may simply replace the Imaskari Book with a Netherese Relic instead. As it would make alot more sense :)
Eli the Tanner Posted - 05 Dec 2013 : 04:03:44
Hello Fendrikor,

I'm also currently running City of the Spider Queen and the group are perilously close to the end (success or failure is very much up in the air). Like you, I've added numerous expansions/side-quests on the Dalelands and Deep Wastes side to mix...a lot of them quite similar to your own.

Some of the example plots we had are:
-A murder-mystery in Dagger Falls that led to the tomb of Colderan Morn.
-An infiltration mission into Zhent-held parts of the Tethyamar Mine.
-A quest for the secrets of Lichdom across the Dales (hot spots included: the dread lair of alokkair and the darkwatch).
-A rival band of adventurers hired by the Cult of the Dragon.
-Politics and schemings with an emergency Dales Council

....and many more

I'm just coming into 1373 DR now so the effects of the rage have not quite hit hard yet but I'm curious how you plan to handle it in yours?
What level are your group?
Regarding the plans in CotSQ, are you hoping to distract the group from them with these subplots or to weave them into the drow plots as well?

Good luck
-Eli the Tanner

P.S. I'm also running mine using pathfinder
Fendrikor Posted - 05 Dec 2013 : 03:58:20
Cant say im a fan of the 4th ed changes...

Gary Dallison Posted - 04 Dec 2013 : 15:07:01
The feats for shadow weave magic didnt grant enough bonuses to allow the shadow weave magic to utterly annihilate the phaerimm as they did.

A bonus to caster level and DC does not mean the shades are phaerimm killing machines.

At best the shades were little better than mystra's chosen (who incidentally got smashed to pieces).

The Phaerimm threat was an end of game situation should they ever have escaped from Anauroch, thats why they were imprisoned there in the first place. The Phaerimm destroyed not one magical super empire, but two (Netheril and Isstesstofil), a single enclave of one of those fallen empires would suffer the same fate.

Having them destroyed so easily was just lazy, and while it might make for a good novel, it doesnt make for a good roleplaying game.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 04 Dec 2013 : 14:44:37
Originally posted by Fendrikor

How would a war between the Shadovar and the Zhentarim go?

In canon, not well for the Black Network -- the Shades destroyed Zhentil Keep.

That said, that particular blurb was one of many I had an issue with, in the 4E era. I would think a long-running war in the shadows would be more likely -- agents of one side striking agents of the other, as opposed to open, armies on the battlefield-style warfare.
Fendrikor Posted - 04 Dec 2013 : 14:05:03
How do you mean not backed up?

Also update: Ive taken the scout party and additional mooks off the table, and alowed him to play a Fetchling instead. Acting as an infiltrator and Spy. It has the shadow walk ability so he can just zip back to Tanthultar whenever he has a chance to report to Prince Hadrhune.

Eh, im not going to focus too heavily on anything to do with the lead up to the reclaimation of Myth Drannor.

How would a war between the Shadovar and the Zhentarim go?

From what i can see in the timelines... Daggerdale is doomed to be invaded again in the Fall of 1374 by an Alliance by Both Zhentil keep and Hillsfar.

Gary Dallison Posted - 04 Dec 2013 : 07:44:24
I believe the krinth are something akin to a slave race in the Shade enclave. As such i doubt that they would use the krinth as elite troops.

It may be possible that one krinth showed exceptional skill and loyalty to be considered to join an elite unit but again i doubt it.

It is more likely that the elite troops would be shades themselves (the template). The average citizen of the Shade enclave is just a normal human, but a few special ones get to become shades by infusing themselves with essence of the plane of shadow. So give them the shade template if you want to make them exotic.

I would personally rewrite the parts of history to do with shade and the return of the elves (the shades were just a deus ex machina insert to combat the phaerimm which is not backed up by the mechanics of the shadow weave - and as for the elves, why would you waste your army on a demon infested ruin when you could just set up in the Elven Court again which is holy land and therefore much more sacred).

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