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 Illithid Savant

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Smirc Posted - 25 Apr 2005 : 19:26:19
I am currently about to join a game at my college and was looking through the classes trying to figure out what would be interesting to play. I have DMed a little for 3e but dont have a lot of knowledge about prestige classes/savag species stuff.
I was verry interested in the Illithid Savan but I had a few questions about his powers.
1) Can he gain points in a skill he already posses(ex he eats a mages brain and the mage has a higher spellcraft score than he does, could he trade up?
3) Class abilitys. What are these? Do these includ spell like abilitys like a blink dog's blink ability?
4) If im not mistaken with a little care could a savant gain a near limitless amount of spells?
If any of you could hep me it would be greatly apreciated.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mensch Posted - 20 Sep 2010 : 19:55:09
It's from the "Savage Species" book, page 77.
Zireael Posted - 20 Sep 2010 : 19:33:35
Anyone care to remind me where the Illithid Savant class is from?
Kentinal Posted - 25 Apr 2005 : 19:31:38

Provides some insights. Though in part talks about Epic levels.

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